Governments can now define travel restrictions that prevent their fleets from traveling to or from systems or planets that match the restrictions.Plugins can now have a 'plugin.txt' metadata file in their root folder that specifies the name of the plugin and its description as shown in the plugins menu in game.Ships can now be given display names for their model name.The Unfettered Solifuge and Violin Spider are now added to the Unfettered shipyards.Smaller ships have received a significant max speed and acceleration buff, while larger ships have been unchanged or slightly nerfed. Flattened the thrust scaling of sets of engines as you get bigger engines in a set.Some other major changes and additions are:
This update contains over 50 new Coalition missions, making up the introductions of the Heliarch and Lunarium campaigns, granting access to some Heliarch weapons and some new outfits for the resistance, respectively.
This is an unstable release, containing big changes that may introduce new bugs.